General 总则
5.6.2 Review input 评审输入
a) 审核结果;
b) 顾客反馈;
c) 过程的业绩和产品的符合性;
d) 预防和纠正措施的状况;
e) 以往管理评审的跟踪措施;
f) 可能影响质量管理体系的变更;
g) 改进的建议。
5.6.3 Review output 评审输出
a) 质量体系及其过程有效性的改进;
b) 与顾客要求有关的产品的改进;
c) 资源需求。
Section 6 Resource management 第六章 资源管理
6.1 Provision of resources 资源提供
a) 实施、保持质量管理体系并持续改进其有效性;
b) 通过满足顾客要求,增进顾客满意。
6.2 Human resources 人力资源
6.2.1 General 总则
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training 能力、意识和培训
a) 确定从事影响产品质量工作的人员所必要的能力;
b) 提供培训或采取其他措施以满足这些需求;
c) 评价所采取措施的有效性;
d) 确保员工认识到所从事活动的相关性和重要性,以及如何为实现质量目标作出贡献;
e) 保持教育、培训、技能和经验的适当记录(见4.2.4)
6.2.2.C.1 Internal Course Development – When the
organization develops internal training courses, it
shall establish and maintain a process for planning,
developing, and implementing these courses. [4]
6.2.2.C.2 Quality Improvement Concepts – Those
employees that have a direct impact on the quality of
the product, including top management, shall be trained
in the fundamental concepts of continual improvement,
problem solving, and customer satisfaction. [4]
6.2.2.C.3 Training Requirements and Awareness –
Training requirements shall be defined for all positions
that have a direct impact on the quality of products.
Employees shall be made aware of training opportunities.
6.2.2.C.4 ESD Training – All employees with functions
that involve any handling, storage, packaging,
preservation, or delivery of ESD-sensitive products
shall receive training in electrostatic discharge (ESD)
protection prior to performing their jobs.
ESD 培训-所有包括操作、仓储、包装、保存及运输ESD敏感产品的员工都应接受静电放电培训,以确保他们开展工作。
6.2.2.C.5 Advanced Quality Training – The organization
shall offer appropriate levels of advanced quality
training. Examples of advanced quality training may
include statistical techniques, process capability,
statistical sampling, data collection and analysis,
problem identification, problem analysis, and corrective
and preventive action. [5]
6.2.2.C.6 Training Content – Where the potential for
hazardous conditions exists, training content should
include the following:培训内容-有潜在危险的地方,培训内容应包括:a) task
execution, 作业指导b) personal safety, 个人安全c) awareness of
hazardous environment, and 危险意识等d) equipment
protection. 设备保护6.2.2.HV.1 Operator Qualification –
The organization shall establish operator qualification
andrequalification requirements for all applicable
processes. These requirements, at a minimum, shall
address employee education, experience, training, and
demonstrated skills. The organization shall communicate
this information to all affected employees. [4]HV.1
Infrastructure 基础设施组织应确定、提供并维护为达到产品符合要求所需的基础设施。适用时,基础设施包括:a)
建筑物、工作场所和相关的设施;b) 过程设备,(硬件和软件);c) 支持性服务,(运输或通讯)。6.4 Work
environment 工作环境组织应确定和管理为达到产品符合要求所需的工作环境。6.4.C.1 Work
Areas – Areas used for handling, storage, and packaging
of products shall be clean, safe, and organized to
ensure that they do not adversely affect quality or
personnel performance. [5]6.4.C.1
7 Product realization 产品实现7.1 Planning of product
产品的质量目标和要求;b) 针对产品确定过程、文件和资源的需求;c)
Life Cycle Model – The organization shall establish and
maintain an integrated set of guidelines that covers the
life cycle of its products. This framework shall
contain, as appropriate, the processes, activities, and
tasks involved in the concept, definition, development,
production, operation, maintenance, and (if required)
disposal of products, spanning the life of the products.
New Product Introduction – The organization shall
establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) for
introducing new products for General
1: The new product introduction program should include
provisions for such programs as: quality and reliability
prediction studies, pilot production, demand and
capacity studies, sales and service personnel training,
and new product post-introduction evaluations.注解1
Disaster Recovery – The organization shall establish and
maintain methods for disasterrecovery to ensure the
organization’s ability to recreate and service the
product throughout its life cycle.
End of Life Planning – The organization shall establish
and maintain a documentedprocedure(s) for the
discontinuance of manufacturing and/or support of a
product by the operation and service organizations. The
documented procedure(s) should
cessation of full or partial support after a certain
period of time, 一定时间后停止全部或部分支持,b) archiving product
documentation and software, 保存产品文档及软件,c)
responsibility for any future residual support issues,
对任何残留问题支持的责任,d) transition to the new product, if
applicable, and 如果适用,转化为新产品,等e) accessibility of
archive copies of data. [10] 数据拷贝存档的可达性7.1.HS.1
Configuration Management Plan – The organization shall
establish and maintain a configuration management plan,
which should include:
配置管理策划-组织应建立并维护一配置管理策划,其内容应包括:a) identification and
scope of the configuration management activities,
配置管理活动的定义及范围b) schedule for performing these
activities, 执行这些活动的进度表c) configuration management
tools, 配置管理工具d) configuration management methods and
documented procedure(s), 配置管理方法及程序文件e) organizations
and responsibilities assigned to them, 组织及分派给它的责任,f)
level of required control for each configuration item,
and 每个配置项目需要控制的级别g) point at which items are brought
under configuration management.
[10] 指明哪些条款置于配置管理的管辖范围。[10]7.1.HS.1-NOTE 1: General
work instructions defining general configuration
management tasks and responsibilities need not be
replicated as part of a specific documented
configuration management
Estimation – The organization shall establish and
maintain a method for estimating and tracking project
factors during project planning, execution, and change
1: Project factors should include product size,
complexity, effort, staffing, schedules, cost, quality,
reliability, and
Computer Resources – The organization shall establish
and maintain methods for estimating and tracking
critical computer resources for the target computer, the
computer on which the software is intended to operate.
Examples of these resources are utilization of memory,
throughput, real time performance, and I/O channels.
Support Software and Tools Management – The
organization shall ensure that internally developed
support software and tools used in the product life
cycle are subject to the appropriate quality method(s).
Tools to be considered include: design and development
tools, testing tools, configuration management tools,
and documentation tools.
Service Delivery Plan – Suppliers that are responsible
for the delivery or implementation of a service, and are
not responsible for the design and development of that
service, shall comply with the Project Plan requirements
of 7.3.1.C.1.服务交付策划- 厂商有责任交货或提供服务,但是对服务的设计及发展不负责任,应符合
7.3.1.C.1条方案策划要求。7.2 Customer-related
processes 与顾客有关的过程7.2.1 Determination of requirements
related to the product 与产品有关的要求的确定组织应确定:a)
顾客虽然没有明示,但规定的用途或已知的预期用途所必需的要求;c) 与产品有关的法律法规要求;d)
组织确定的任何附加要求。7.2.2 Review of requirements related to the
product 与产品有关的要求的评审组织应评审与产品有关的要求。评审应在组织向顾客作出提供产品的承诺之前进行(如:提交标书、接受合同或订单及接收合同或订单的更改),并应确保:a)
产品要求得到规定;b) 与以前表述不一致的合同或订单的要求已予解决;c)
1: The contract review process should
include:注解1:合同评审过程应包括:a) product acceptance planning and
review, 产品验收策划和评审b) handling of problems detected after
product acceptance, including customer complaints and
claims, and 产品验收后发现问题的处理,包括客户投诉及要求,等c) responsibility of
removal and/or correction of nonconformities after
applicable warranty period or during product maintenance
contract period.
[9] 在保证期或维修合约有效期间删除的责任和/或不一致的修正。[9]7.2.2.C-NOTE 2: The
product acceptance plan should include as
appropriate:注解2:产品验收策划应当包括以下内容作为补充:a) acceptance review
process, 验收评审过程,b) acceptance criteria, 验收标准c)
documented test procedure(s), 文件化的检测程序d) test
environment, 检测环境e) test cases, 检测实例f) test data,
检测数据g) resources involved, 相关资源h) method(s) for
problem tracking and resolution, and 问题追踪及解决方法,等i)
required acceptance test reports. [10] 必要的检验报告7.2.3
Customer communication
顾客沟通组织应对以下有关方面确定并实施与顾客沟通的有效安排:a) 产品信息;b)
问询、合同或订单的处理,包括对其的修改;c) 顾客反馈,包括顾客投诉。7.2.3.C.1
Notification About Problems – The organization shall
establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) to
notify all customers who may be affected by a reported
problem that is service affecting. [5]关于问题的通知-
组织应建立并维护一套程序文件以通知可能受已报告的服务问题影响的所有顾客。7.2.3.C.2 Problem
Severity – The organization shall assign severity levels
to customer reportedproblems based on the impact to the
customer in accordance with the definitions of critical,
major, and minor problem reports contained in the
glossary of this handbook. The severity level shall be
used in determining the timeliness of the organization’s
1: The customer and the organization should jointly
determine the priority for resolving customer-reported
problems.注解1:顾客和组织共同确定解决顾客报告问题的优先程度。7.2.3.C.3 Problem
Escalation – The organization shall establish and
maintain a documented escalation procedure(s) to resolve
customer-reported problems. [11]问题升级-
组织应建立并维护一套程序文件解决升级的顾客报告问题。[11]7.2.3.C.4 Customer
Feedback – The organization shall establish and maintain
a documentedprocedure(s) to provide the customer with
feedback on their problem reports in a timely
Organization’s Recall Process – The organization shall
establish and maintain a documented procedure(s) for
identifying and recalling products that are unfit to
remain in
service.组织的回收过程-组织应建立并维护一套程序文件以鉴定和回收不适合维修的产品。7.3 Design
and development 设计和开发7.3.1 Design and development
设计和开发阶段;b) 适于每个设计和开发阶段的评审、验证和确认活动;c)
Project Plan – The organization shall establish and
maintain a project plan based on the defined product
life cycle model. The plan should include:方案策划-
组织应依据定义的产品生命周期模式建立并维护一个方案计划。该计划应包括:a) project
organizational structure, 方案组织结构b) project roles and
responsibilities, 方案角色及职责c) interfaces with internal
and external organizations, 与内部或外部组织交流d) means for
scheduling, tracking, issue resolution, and reporting,
计划进度、跟踪、问题决定及报告的方式e) budgets, staffing, and schedules
associated with project activities, 与方案活动相关的预算、人员、进度f)
method(s), standards, documented procedure(s), and tools
to be used, 方法,标准,程序文件以应用工具g) references to related
plans (e.g., development, testing, configuration
management, and quality),
策划相关的参考资料(例如:发展,测试,配置管理,及质量)h) project-specific
environment and physical resource considerations (e.g.,
development, userdocumentation, testing, and operation),
方案详细考虑的环境及物质资源(例如:发展,用户证书,测试及操作)i) customer, user, and
supplier involvement during the product life cycle
(e.g., joint reviews, informal meetings, and approvals),
产品生命周期内顾客,用户及厂商(例如:联合评审,非正式会议,以及批准)j) management of
&, nbsp; project quality, 方案质量管理k) risk management and
contingency plans (e.g., technical, cost and schedules),
风险管理及意外事故策划(例如:技术,成本以及进度)l) performance, safety,
security, and other critical requirements,
执行、保险、安全以及其它紧急需求m) project-specific training
requirements, 方案详细培训需求n) required certifications,
必须的证明,o) proprietary, usage, ownership, warranty,
licensing rights, and 所有者,用法,所有权,授权,许可权力,等p)
post-project analysis. [10] 方案定位分析. [10]7.3.1.C.1-NOTE
1: The project plan and any related plans may be an
independent document, a part of another document, or
comprised of several
2: General work instructions defining tasks and
responsibilities common to all development projects need
not be replicated as part of a project
Requirements Traceability – The organization shall
establish and maintain a method to trace documented
requirements through design and test. [11]7.3.1.C.2
1: The organization should establish communication
methods for dissemination of product requirements and
changes to requirements to all impacted parties
identified in the project plan.7.3.1.C.2
注解1:组织应建立一种联系方法来贯彻产品的要求并改进各种要求以符合方案策划的定义。7.3.1.C.3 Test
Planning – Test plans shall be documented and results
recorded. Test plans should include:7.3.1.C.3
检测策划-检测策划应形成文件并对结果加以记录。检测策划应包括:a) scope of testing
(e.g., unit, feature, integration, system, acceptance),
检测范围(例如:单位、特性、综合性能、系统、验收)b) types of tests to be
performed (e.g., functional, boundary, usability,
regression,interoperability), 检测的执行形式(如:功能、范围、用途、性能、退步、协同工作能力)c)
traceability to requirements, 必要的可追踪性d) test
environment (e.g., relevancy to customer environment,
operational use), 检测环境(例如:相关顾客环境,操作效用)e) test coverage
(degree to which a test verifies a product’s functions,
sometimes expressed as apercent of functions
tested), 检测规模(验证产品功能的程度,有时表现为功能测试的百分比)f) expected
results, 期望结果,g) data definition and database
requirements, 数据分类及必要的数据库h) set of tests, test cases
(inputs, outputs, test criteria), and documented test
procedure(s), 检测装置,检测实例(输入,输出,检测标准),及检测程序文件,i) use of
external testing, and 外部检测方法,等j) method of reporting
and resolving defects. [11] 报告方法及纠正措施.
[11]7.3.1.C.3-NOTE 1: Testing may be covered at several
levels.7.3.1.C.3 注解1:检测可能覆盖几个级别。7.3.1.S.1 Integration
Planning – The organization shall develop and document a
plan to integrate the software components into the
product to ensure they interact as designed. The plan
shall include:
a) methods and documented procedure(s), 方法和程序文件
b) responsibilities, 职责
c) schedule for integration, and 综合进度,等
d) test requirements. [10] 必要的检测。[10]
7.3.1.S.2 Migration Planning – The organization shall
develop and document a migration plan when a system or
software product is planned to be migrated from an old
to a new environment. The plan should include the
a) requirements analysis and definition of
migration, 必要的分析及迁移定义
b) development of migration tools, 迁移工具的建立
c) conversion of product and data, 产品及数据的转换
d) migration execution, 迁移执行
e) migration verification, and 迁移验证,等
f) support for the old environment in the future. [10]
将来对旧环境的支持. [10]
7.3.2 Design and development inputs 设计和开发输入
a) 功能和性能要求;
b) 适用的法律法规要求;
c) 适用时,以前类似设计提供的信息;
d) 设计和开发所必需的其他要求。
7.3.2.C.1 Customer and Supplier Input – The organization
shall establish and maintain methods for soliciting and
using customer and supplier input dur