8.1 The organisation shall respect the right of personnel to a living wage and ensure that wages for a normal work week, not including overtime, shall always meet at least legal or industry minimum standards, or collective bargaining agreements (where applicable). Wages shall be sufficient to meet the basic needs of personnel and to provide some discretionary income.
8.1 机构应保证在一个标准工作周内(不包括加班)所付工资总能至少达到法定或行业最低工资标准或集体谈判协议(如适用)。工资应满足员工基本需要,以及提供一些可随意支配的收入。
8.2 The organisation shall not make deductions from wages for disciplinary purposes. Exception to this rule applies only when both of the following conditions exist:
a) Deductions from wages for disciplinary purposes are permitted by national law; and
b) A freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement is in force that permits this practice.
8.2 机构应保证不因惩戒目的而扣减工资,除非符合以下条件:
a) 这种出于惩戒扣减工资得到国家法律许可;
b) 获得自由集体谈判的同意。
8.3 The organisation shall ensure that personnel’s wages and benefits composition are detailed clearly and regularly to them in writing for each pay period. The organisation shall lawfully render all wages and benefits due in a manner convenient to workers, but in no circumstances in delayed or restricted forms, such as vouchers, coupons or promissory notes.
8.3 机构应确保在每个支薪期向员工清楚详细地定期以书面形式列明工资、待遇构成;机构还应保证全部工资、待遇以方便员工的形式支付,不得在任何情况下延迟或用限制的形式(如购物代金券、优惠券、期票)支付。
8.4 All overtime shall be reimbursed at a premium rate as defined by national law or established by a collective bargaining agreement. In countries where a premium rate for overtime is not regulated by law or there is no collective bargaining agreement, personnel shall be compensated for overtime at the organisation’s premium rate or at a premium rate equal to prevailing industry standards, whichever is higher.
8.4 所有加班应按照国家规定或按照已制定的集体谈判协议支付加班津贴,如果在一些国家法律未规定加班津贴或者没有集体谈判协议,则加班津贴应以额外的比率或根据普遍行业标准确定,无论哪种情况应更符合工人利益。
8.5 The organisation shall not use labour-only contracting arrangements, consecutive short-term contracts and/or false apprenticeship or other schemes to avoid meeting its obligations to personnel under applicable laws and regulations pertaining to labour and social security.
8.5 机构应保证不采取纯劳务合同安排,连续的短期合约及/或虚假的学徒工制度以规避涉及劳动和社会保障条例的适用法律所规定的对员工应尽的义务。