7.1 The organisation shall comply with applicable laws, collective bargaining agreements (where applicable) and industry standards on working hours, breaks and public holidays. The normal work week, not including overtime, shall be defined by law but shall not exceed 48 hours.
7.1 机构应遵守适用法律、集体谈判协议(如适用)及行业标准有关工作时间和公共假期的规定。标准工作周(不含加班时间)应根据法律规定,不得超过四十八小时。
7.2 Personnel shall be provided with at least one day off following every six consecutive days of working. Exceptions to this rule apply only where both of the following conditions exist:
7.2 员工每连续工作六天至少须有一天休息。不过,在以下两种情况下允许有其他安排:
a) National law allows work time exceeding this limit; and
a) 国家法律允许加班时间超过该规定;
b) A freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement is in force that allows work time averaging, including adequate rest periods.
b) 存在一个有效的经过自由协商的集体谈判协议,允许平均工作时间涵盖了适当的休息时间。
7.3 All overtime work shall be voluntary, except as provided in 7.4 below, shall not exceed 12 hours per week and shall not be requested on a regular basis.
7.3 除非符合7.4 条(见下款),所有加班必须是自愿性质,每周加班时间不得超过十二小时。
7.4 In cases where overtime work is needed in order to meet short-term business demand and the organisation is party to a freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement representing a significant portion of its workforce, the organisation may require such overtime work in accordance with such agreement. Any such agreement must comply with the other requirements of this Working Hours element.
7.4 如机构与代表众多所属员工的工人组织(依据上述定义)通过自由谈判达成集体谈判协议,机构可以根据协议要求工人加班以满足短期业务需要。任何此类协议应符合上述7.1 条有关规定.